Broodthaers Society of America
Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, et al
October 42: Broodthaers

The early adopters' bible, at least in the United States. Even his longtime advocate Benjamin Buchloh, in the opening sentence of his introduction, remarks that "Just over a decade after the death of the Belgian artist Marcel Broodthaers in January, 1976, his work appears to be confronted with the alternatives of oblivion or academic exhumation."

Nevermind that, by this time, Michael Werner, Marian Goodman, Gillespie, Laage and Salomon, and Mary Boone had tried no fewer than five commercial gallery exhumations. What's important to notice is that it took Benjamin Buchloh himself ten years to accomplish this reinvigorating anthology.

We say: perfect timing. For whatever reason, the United States didn't seem ready for Marcel Broodthaers until this issue of October came out, commerce or no commerce.
Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1987.
Illustrated, 212 pages.